Forever And Always.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

And I'll forget the world that I knew, But I swear I won't forget you. Oh, if my voice could reach, Back through the past. I'd whisper in your ear, Oh darling, I wish you were here.

It's so hard. Not talking to you.. i cant help myself. I want to tell you everything , and nothing all at the same time.  I care.. cared... i dont know. I want to be with you. Its just to hard to choose... i want to figure everything out, talk , be friends , be brother and sister , but if i cant trust you i dont know how i'm gonna be able to. Please, tell me one day we will make up?
I know this is all my fault, i was the one so say shit. But did you really have to tell her? I dotn know what to do anymore... I only have questions. Would anyone care if i left? Would you care? Would it matter to anyone if i disappeared? Would cutting do anything? Why did it have to be you? Why cant i get you off my mind? Why cant i just forgive you and tell you everything? Why cant everything be normal again? Why me? Why us? Why now? Why do i care for you so much? Why are you always on my mind? Why are you the first person i want to tell everything and anything to? Why?

Wish - For you to forgive me , and for me to forgive you... </3
Song- - Vanilla Twilight   Owl City. <3

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I'm Sorry.

FML. I'm so sorry. I cant take it anymore. I'm done with the lies, tricks , and the backstabbing. I just cant live like this anymore. I want to say with you forever, be friends like we were, but after what you have done so many times i just cant. You were like my brother and i trusted you with EVERYTHING,  but after this i just cant stand it. I cant say i trust you , i don't trust you anymore, i don't know if i ever will, i want to , but cant. I love... loved you, i want to say that  i do now, but that's just to hard to do if i cant fully mean it. I'm sorry for being this way but i just cant be friends with some one that tells my secrets to people.

I loved you, maybe i still do, but right now , i just cant, especially after what you have done. </3

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

*I Got My Eyes Set On You, My Heart Is Burning Red. All Of My Words Come Out Wrong ,Run Circles In My Head . You Had Me, And I Melted . In The Palm Of Your Hand , You Know It, Yes I Felt It . You'll Never Understand.

He is the cute-est ! <3
The guy i like , well yeah, hes so cute and sweet ! We're bestfriends and I love it , he is extremely nice. And he says the sweetest things, things like 'your cute' , 'i wouldnt want to live without you' , 'i'll save you a dance, your cute and i dont save them just for anyone' , etc. I miss him every minute of the day even if i'm with him . $:
My Poem - Mistakes.

All the mistakes I made,
                                          I regret it.
I miss you,
                         Love you,
Care about you,
                                                          And I need you.
I laugh,
I hurt,
My love for you will never,
Because I’m waiting for,
I treasure your sweet scent,
                                          Beautiful smile,
                                                             Gentle kiss,
                                                                              Warm hug,
And your soothing touch.
You’re perfect,
                                       in that imperfect way.
                                                        I’m sorry for all those things I said,
I want you back,
                                              To hold you forever.
Help me fill in the spaces I cannot,
                                           And I will help you do the same.

Hes adorable and i love him, ^ that poem is to you Hun, you my Best friend and Love. (: <3

P.S. Just because he can be annoying , doesnt mean hes not cute. $:

Wish - Love me Back? $: <3
Song - Pardon Me?  He Is We. <3 (:

Saturday, April 2, 2011

*Then I think about summer, all the beautiful times.I watched you laughing from the passenger side.And realized I loved you in the fall.

I can't do this. I want him, need him, care about him. But i cant have him and its killing me. The more i think were getting closer , the more were separating further. I can't take it anymore. I love him , but i can't trust him. I want to but i just cant. I want to tell him everything , but i also want to keep everything inside. I don't think i could continue everyday with out knowing that i could easily come home and write. I want to have some one i trust , someone who could hold on to my secrets and never say a word to any one. i don't have anyone i can trust anymore, everyone has left me here. Everyone has that person they can trust and say everything there feeling to. But i don't, if i say a word, I'm done no one can see my pain deep inside. My sister ... i want to feel what shes feeling but i cant. i want to help her but i don't know how. I know there is a lot of things that she wants to say , but she cant and i can see it in her eyes.

I have no best friend. I never really think I did, I've always had people say were are best friends but it always turned out bad. I can't take the fact that all my friends are leaving. I want them back , I want to have some one I can trust with everything. I want everyone back. I have been thinking for the past couple days , can i trust my sister with all my secrets? I want to , i want to be able to crawl up to her and tell her everything. But i cant do that she has enough on her mind and problems she might not able to solve , she doesn't need to deal with mine. :/ 

Goodbye  For Now. (:

Wish - to find some one i can trust. :/ <3
Song - Back to December Taylor Swift (: <3