Forever And Always.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Oh God , we're here . And goodbye chokes on my tears . While your exit seems so effortless . So mean, you don't fool me .

Heey, this is a new blog that i made.

So i liked this guy, And then i got over him. i dont really know if i really am over him. i think i actually like him still. i can't stop thinking about him not matter what... happens in life.
Many things have happened because of him. I dont think i'm over him yet.. i keep telling people that i hate him and everything but i havent told anyone that i might still really like/love him... :/
I think my 11 year old cousin has looked through my shell and sees right through me. She knows that I still like him but i just cant amitt it yet.. i dont know if i ever will. He can be rude and annoying but he can also be cute, nice, sweet, and funny.. :} Its march break and i miss him. I cant stand knowing that he like hates me. :/ I miss him, love him, want him, need him, and care about him. :$
I just wish i could just figure things out , soon.

Well i think i'm going to go. :/
Byee !

Wish - I could figure things out. <3 Song - Lamentation Leah Anderone . <3